
A Night of Myth and Legends: Transformation through Oral Traditions

  • Hosted by The Center SF
  • San Francisco, CA -

Discover more about yourself by integrating the wisdom of an oral mythic story that has been kept alive for hundreds of years.

Oral storytelling is one of the oldest art forms we have. Our ancestors’ most enduring stories have survived because they address issues that are important to generation after generation of listeners: they contain insights about our inner archetypes, knowledge of how to act when things are falling apart, and bold possibilities of how one can be. Through this art we find wisdom, healing, transformation, and inspiration.

In this event, a mythic story will be told. Afterwards we’ll “feed the story” by sharing what we heard, what it evoked in us, and how we’ll continue to carry it forward. Each person hears a story with their own sometimes radically different interpretations. Through our sharings, we’ll bring the story to life in a myriad of different ways.

""If you listen carefully, at the end you'll be someone else."" — The Mahābhārata

Price: $30 early bird / $35 at the door

The event will be from 7:30-9:30pm. Doors will close at 7:40pm. Please arrive on-time as we will not be able to let people in once we begin.

Daway first heard a transformational mythic story told in the woods of Vermont while on a vision quest. Sitting around a campfire before setting out for four solo days without food, the different stories that were told inspired him, grounded him, and forced him to confront how he, as much as he didn’t want to admit it, was like some of their characters. He has since told stories at communities like Findhorn and Tamera in Europe and all over the West Coast. He delights at the unexpected lessons people draw from them and how each story lives a new life depending on the listener.

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