
Awakening to the Imaginal Realm and the Psychedelic Nature of Experience

  • Hosted by The Alembic
  • Berkeley, CA -

Connect to the imaginal realm to discover and express the innate psychedelic quality of experience

Experience is much more innately psychedelic and creative in nature than you might imagine from the habitual routines of your usual day-to-day perspective. By connecting to the imaginal realm in both body and soul, you can discover this innate psychedelic quality, allowing experience to flow more fluidly through you as your life and practice becomes a more natural expression of Buddha-nature.

In this four-part series, which will combine talks, guided meditations, and group discussion, we will connect with the four aspects of experience that are the foundations of imaginal practice:

Sunday May 5th: Somatic-imaginal

Sunday May 12th: Eros

Sunday May 19th: Myth and Metaphor

Sunday May 26th: Mysticism

There will be a two-fold dimension to our work, a balance between developing the technical skills required to unlock these parts of experience, and the more receptive work of surrendering to the already present imaginal undercurrent within experience.

To take most advantage of this series, it will be helpful if you are comfortable connecting to your subtle or energy body, have done some work with a transformative healing modality, and have had some experience of open awareness.

Read more about my approach to Imaginal Practice here:

Rosa Lewis is a mystic and teacher. Her approach combines Buddhist emptiness traditions, shadow work, tantric embodiment, the archetypal realm, mysticism, and a radically new way of relating to heartfulness. Her work helps people realize and connect to their true nature and to open to the true nature of the Universe. An important part of this process is exploring what awakening actually means and to nurture that process into a whole, inspiring, and alive engagement with the depths of being.

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