
Community Movie Night Series - April Edition

Welcome to the San Francisco Community Nights - Monthly Movie Series!

I started the community nights with movies. Movies are an amazing medium for conveying ideas. A movie is a limited time where We all share the same version of reality and relate to it in our unique ways.

Also, watching a movie with a community as a social activity is not present in our culture. We go to the cinemas surrounded by other people and never talk to them about what's happening on the big screen.

I'm facilitating those movie nights as a social experiment. It's a decentralized interactive way where, at any point in the movie, you can raise your hand and share an insight or a thought, and the community will reflect back to you.

Date:📆 Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 - from 7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Please arrive between 6:55 pm and 7:15 pm so we can start the movie at 7:30 pm.

7:30-9:30: Movie and conversation.

9:30-10:00: Connection and social time.

Location 📍 I’m grateful to my friend Emily for hosting us at her beautiful community House, Cat Factory. And yes, there are cats at the house 🐱

Cat Factory is an artist community house in The Mission, and I got their blessing to use their space for our movie night events. The address will be shared with the attendees to protect the privacy of the private residence.


Movie nights are free. I’m asking you to contribute $5 to confirm your attendance. I'm also using the money to get us some 🍿

On April Movie 🎥

I’m experimenting with not sharing the movie name ahead! The night’s intention is to connect the covers; the movie is just the lubricant. But here is a brief description of the movie

The movie’s name is one word. It came out in 2023 and was my second favorite movie last year. It’s a story about immigration, social class, public transit, city design, and privilege. It's also a funny love story. It will make you laugh and cry, and you’ll feel warm and cozy.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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