
Energetic Squirting - Harness Yoni Flow

  • Hosted by Pagans Paradise
  • New York, NY - address sent to ticket holders
  • 18 people on the list

Energetic Squirting - Harness Yoni Flow Workshop 7-9:45 pm

Address given in confirmation email additional info

Facilitated by Dominus Eros & Brigit

Join us in this informative and fun event (Non Sexual, Non Hookup, Educational Only Workshop. We do not pair people up)

Discover what Energetic Squirting and Yoni Flow is!

This is not your typical Squirting 101 class. While many wonderful classes go over very important elements around anatomy, techniques and general questions/reasons around what squirting is and how one can experience it...We look to go beyond just the physical and add more knowledge around the mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual aspects that this practice can offer.

In addition to learning about all the very important elements about what the body can do, anatomy, what squirt(ing) is; We learn how we incorporate our minds/body/spirit, willingness and personal desires around the activity.

Important questions to ask is Why we are doing this act? Who is this for? Does one need another human to do the act? Is this for everyone? We go over many of these type of questions, dispel myths and answer all the questions/concerns you may have.

What is Energetic Squirting and Yoni Flow?

Energetic systems like Tantra and other healing modalities offer paths to create very intentional containers in order for a vulva owner to feel comfortable and connected to the experience. This is a sacred practice that honors who you are and all the things you are capable of doing/receiving. Yoni massage through touch and breath can connect us to our Yin root energy, manifest kundalini rising energy and ultimately move into Yoni Flow which is very different from non-energetic squirting. Energetic Squirting utilizes Yoni energy that can open up many centers in the body, can be very emotional and extremely impactful and seeks to find a energetic/spiritual flow that can last a lot longer and goes deeper than surface squirting. This can be a very healing practice in addition to being intentional conscious pleasure based.

Is this a Solo or Partnered act/experience?

Often this act is geared to the partner's experience (the one not squirting), especially in hetero relationships; In this workshop we look to have the focus be about the one doing the act, the vulva owner and their connection to it. This act can be done solo as well as with a partner.

For the purpose of this workshop we do NOT pair people and you do not have to engage in any physical activities. This is an opt in class in all aspects with regards to physical and verbal. You can just witness and listen while taking notes. You can come solo or with a partner.

We will focus heavily on creating a container that pushes safety and personal agency. We will not tolerate anyone who comes to the space to make others feel uncomfortable or create harm.

The Workshop Experience: This is an in-person workshop in a beautiful and private studio space in Manhattan (near Union Square). The workshop will include 2.5 hours of discussion & instruction where you will be able to receive and explore new techniques and positions. If you desire, you may receive hands-on practice and demonstration.

Desired Benefits: You will gain new ways to connect with your mind/body/spirit within this practice. You will be able to connect and explore your own relationship to this practice and all the yummy sensations possible.

  • Learn about anatomy, myths versus facts, performative vs personal
  • Learn how the body makes physical connections to the act and how you can utilize muscles along with breathwork
  • Learn about sacred energetic connection and flow.
  • Ability to communicate verbally, physically and energetically with potential partners
  • Understanding all the solo and partnered ways one can experience
  • Normalizing squirt and also NON squirt experience
  • Practical techniques and live demo - You will learn how to do things safely and effectively, (non sexual)
  • Safety protocol, negotiations, boundary setting, and aftercare
  • Oil, coverings and more will be available

What to bring?

  • Large towel, comfy minimal clothing
  • Open, curious minds

Workshop Tickets Early Bird $30, Regular $40.

NOTE: We encourage everyone to have an open mind as this is a fun, open and explorative learning environment. We practice and review informed & ongoing consent practices with an emphasis on mutual desire. This workshop is open to all gender identifications, sexual orientations, lifestyles and for solo and/or partnered people.

This event is perfect and open for all experience levels.18+ for workshops. Refunds must be requested 24hrs prior to the event. Doors open at 6:45pm and closes at 7:10 pm please be on time.

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