
Kintsugi Wabi Sabi Workshop

  • Hosted by The Alembic
  • Berkeley, CA -

Through the ancient practice of Kintsugi, we will learn to find beauty in imperfection by breaking and restoring our own teacup.

Kintsugi is the practice of repairing broken objects, highlighting the cracks with gold. This repair work also allows us to forward the larger narrative while honoring impermanence. As an analogy for life, kintsugi allows us to practice resilience, to transform what lies at hand, and to recover from past challenges. Kintsugi embodies the duality of life, its tendency to be at once incredibly beautiful and terribly challenging.

At the core of this work is Wabi Sabi, an ancient concept in Japanese aesthetic thought. Drawing on a deeply Zen sensibility, Wabi Sabi finds value in imperfection, impermanence, and incompleteness. It invites us to find beauty in the insignificant and unconventional, to discover value in what passes away, and to draw inspiration from the fragmentary.

In this intimate workshop, we will first have tea and introduce ourselves. Then you will break and restore your own teacup, provided by the workshop leaders, using modern Kintsugi techniques. We’ll learn about the Japanese aesthetic philosophy of Wabi Sabi, and explore its thought-provoking implications for our own lives. Please bring clothes you don't mind getting dirty, along with an open mind! We look forward to meeting you.


Ryley Gaulocher, founder of Stone Gold Crafts hosts Kintsugi Wabi Sabi Workshops that enable mindfulness, cultivate awareness, and inspire reflection—in addition to providing a space to just be and create. He aims to contribute to a future where human-flourishing is prioritized. He believes that human connection, awareness, and mindfulness are crucial components in this future. He works towards it by providing space, activity, and thought-provoking content. The vision of Stone Gold Crafts is a world where everyone is free to access the spiritual gold that exists already within them.

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