
Kirtan with Joss Jaffe

  • Hosted by The Center SF
  • San Francisco, CA -

Kirtan Concert with Joss Jaffe ~ Immerse yourself in the healing world of sound and sacred chant.

Iconic Sacred Music Artist Joss Jaffe returns to San Francisco for a intimate kirtan concert at The Center SF. A long time Bay Area Resident, Joss spent many years studying Raga & Tabla at the Ali Akbar College of Music in Marin. His kirtan is infused with a variety of illuminating sounds and textures including Reggae, Devotional Mantras, and sacred music from around the world.

Joss Jaffe performs as a Vocalist, Tabla player and Multi-Instrumentalist. As a composer and producer he has created innovative albums including Svara Mandala, Echosystem and Dub Mantra to critical acclaim. He has toured throughout multiple continents, bringing his music to an international audience. Joss’ work been critically acclaimed by LA Yoga Magazine, the UK’s Om Magazine, and other prominent publications. Joss Jaffe’s music is rooted in his desire to unite people through spirit, love, joy, community and consciousness. Joss creates innovative songs that bring international artists from different cultures and languages into a nexus where new music is discovered. His music invites the audience into a space of spontaneous joy.

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