
Kirtan with Michael Hathaway and Friends

  • Hosted by The Center SF
  • San Francisco, CA -

Ecstatic chanting of the Holy names. Together we will create a soundscape of sacred mantras to facilitate transformation and healing.

Come join Michael Hathaway and friends for a soulful immersion of call and response singing – chanting the holy names of the various deities. Together we will create a soundscape of sacred Sanskrit mantras to facilitate transformation and healing – raising our vibration as we raise our voices in devotion and ecstatic celebration!

Michael sings with sweet, celestial, heart-felt yearning. His songs are traditional Sanskrit mantras set to his original music, weaving an enchanting soundscape of hypnotic harmonics, joyful celebration, and fierce intensity. His unique melodies (often channeled in dreams) reveal a blend of musical influences including jazz, soul, folk, psychedelic rock, church hymns, Western classical, and Indian classical – creating an innovative fusion that honors the tradition while expressing a deeply personal offering.

Come sing in community, or just bathe in the sound healing!

No experience necessary, and all are welcome regardless of finances.

Come and go as you are able, no one is turned away.

$25 early bird/ $30 at the door

Michael discovered his musicality and voice through the practice of devotional chanting.

He was introduced to daily chanting at the Sivananda ashram in the Bahamas in the late 90's, and quickly became immersed in the NYC Bhakti scene – taking every opportunity to sit with his teachers: Jai Uttal, Krishna Das, Bhagavan Das, Shyamdas, and others. He humbly bows at the feet of Maharaj-ji Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass, and all of his Teachers, and wishes to honor them in service by singing the holy names. He can be found leading kirtan at yoga studios, festivals, conscious gatherings, and singing with his harmonium for yoga classes in the Los Angeles area.

Music available on any streaming service and at

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