
San Francisco Spring Trot 2024

Join the Stampede human animal roleplayers for a lovely afternoon of play. Come in your your shiny latex, furry tails, gorgeous hoods and wolf t-shirts (no gear, no problem), but make sure bits are covered, and walk around the music concourse with your critter and human herd! We will walk the path a couple times then enjoy a potluck. Play time often follows as well.

New folks and experienced players are welcome.

We will meet in the music concourse (park area) just in front of the Academy of Sciences at 11am. Trot will begin promptly at noon and then we enjoy a potluck together. Please refrain from bringing nuts.

Please let us know if you have a cart, sled, etc to bring. We may even be able to let a couple curious critters try pulling a cart for the first time.

Please remember that we will be in a public park.

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