
Community and Cocktails with SafeHouse at the Gotham Club!

  • Hosted by San Francisco SafeHouse
  • San Francisco, CA -
  • 12 people on the list-

Join us for a fun night of mingling, sipping cocktails, and getting to know SafeHouse at the Gotham Club in our community!

Support Survivors with a Night at the Ballpark!

We are thrilled to invite you to join us for an evening at the exclusive Gotham Club at Oracle Park supporting San Francisco SafeHouse! This isn’t just an event—it's an opportunity to learn, engage, and take action in our mission to empower and support survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking. Your attendance directly contributes to providing crucial support and healing to those striving to rebuild their lives.

What to Expect:

  • A program delving into our mission's heart, the transformative programs we offer and how you can help - at the polls, at work and within your community.
  • An open bar, serving up a full selection of beverages and an array of elevated ballpark-style appetizers.
  • A networking opportunity with fellow passionate community members keen on making a meaningful difference.
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