
The Art of Tittie Torture

  • Hosted by SheMagick Events
  • NY -
  • 21 people on the list-

There are many ways to worship the breasts and sometimes boob-lover Angel gets specific requests. Their masochist breast-friends usually love bruises and marks. As an artist and someone who aims to please, Angel always finds different ways they can safely do tittie torture. And now they are here to teach us their ways!

There are many possible ways to do tittie torture, from mental, markless, to lots of marks. Whenever the occasion calls for tittie torture this workshop will give you plenty of options to pull from! Including how to do tittie torture without touch. Learn everything from popular methods to some obscure and extreme ones… it all depends on your intentions. In this class, you'll learn some of the instructor's favorite techniques. How to make those beautiful deep purple bruises most of us love? Or if marks aren't your thing, learn ways to cause pain without leaving any. You'll learn everything from the sensual to the painful in this exciting class focused all about tits.

Class includes consent, safe practices, and aftercare. Come alone or with your breast-friends, a big part of the class will be for demos and practice. Bring your toys for show and tell at the end of the workshop as well.

As a tittie lover and avid advocator Of Boobie Worship, @AngelFireQueen can't wait to bring you “The Art of Tittie Torture”.