
Voyage Into Presence

Voyage Into Presence

April 19-21, 2024

Facilitated by Aaron Mandelbaum

Hosted by DarkStar Temple at Youtopia DreamSpace

Unlock the transformative power of presence through our 3-day immersive experience designed to explore the energetic, physical, and psychological realms. Delve into your polarities, archetypes, power dynamics, and personal boundaries to deepen your connections with yourself and others.

Awaken Your Senses:

Through sensory exploration and rituals, you will awaken your dormant senses, your primal power, and learn to appreciate the world in a new light.

Drop What Doesn’t Serve:

Release the baggage that holds you back and experience a profound connection with the current of existence, yourself, and others.

Authentic and Pleasurable Intimacy:

to explore your desires and boundaries together with each other in a safe and deep space, and not just once, experience three deep days.

Connect through Wholeness:

Balance your feminine/masculine, light/dark energy. Feel through your energetic body into your physical body and land in the now.

More information linked. Please reach out to for any questions about this 3 day experience ✨