
YUMMY Brooklyn - BIPOC Kinky Burlesque + Erotic Sideshow

  • Hosted by Siren Pack
  • NY -

Immerse yourself in a world where passion and power collide, leaving you breathless and craving for more. YUMMY is an immersive and theatrical pole dance show and burlesque experience.


These are just some of the words to describe the Siren Pack YUMMY Experience. We gather world-class performers, pair down to our most primal nature, and express exactly what makes us feel the MOST YUMMY.

Edge yourself. Unlock a new kink. Meet a new friend. Or simply enjoy erotic energy within the community of our lively and engaging audience. "YUMMY" is an erotic gathering featuring the most provocative in one of Brooklyn's most gorgeous speakeasy.

Show elements based on venue may include - Burlesque | Cabaret Singing | Kink & BDSM | Spoken Word & Storytelling | Drag | Flow Arts & Fire | Aerial Arts | Comedy | Theatre | GoGo Dancing | Sideshow & Circus | Ritual & Ceremony

For the adventurous, experimentalist, and curious who enjoy a healthy dose of the unknown, join us for YUMMY.