
Humanist Holiday - "Reason Day" - Potluck Dinner & a Movie!

Every year, near to the waning northern cross-quarter day (sometimes called Lughnasadh), Aretéans gather in their communities to celebrate the human capacity for reason and the Third Tenet of Aretéanism with the holiday of "Reason Day"!

At 6pm we'll have a big potluck dinner to celebrate the holiday with its traditional theme of "bring your favorite food"! What does your human capacity for reason tell you is the best food to bring? You can sign up to bring something via our Perfect Potluck page here:

After dinner we'll pack into the theater room at House Alkebir to watch a movie that is deeply on theme for our holiday of Reason Day... "12 Angry Men" (1997) starring Jack Lemon and George C. Scott, amongst other well known actors. Without spoiling much, it's an incredible story of holding to facts and reason under pressure, and it's a great movie!

We've got lots of other events throughout the day, so look for our other Bloom events to RSVP for:

• Breakfast at 9am - Crêpes!

• Lunch at noon - sandwich bar!

• Our main religious services for the holiday at 1pm

• "Fallacy Tournament" at 2:30pm, to see which logical fallacy will be crowned as the worst one for this coming year!

It'll be lots of fun all day! Newcomers are very welcome to come check us out, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Be Excellent to Each Other, and Party On!

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