
Psychology of Kink Panel

  • Los Angeles, CA -

“Why is kink intriguing?” 

“Why do I have the fantasies that I do?”

“Am I a bad person for being into this kink/fetish?”

“Should I process my fantasies with my therapist?”

“Why does pain hurt so good?”

And most importantly…

“WHY would ANY sane human want to engage in such acts?!”

These are just a few of the questions that we’ll be tackling on the Psychology of Kink Panel.

This provocative panel isn’t about the “Hows” of kink and BDSM, but about the “WHYs” that fuel our exploration. Join us as we psychoanalyze the depths of our kinky brains with a kink-affirming licensed therapist, a professional Dominatrix, a kink educator, and seasoned lifestyle practitioners. Moderated and hosted by sex & kink educator/coach, Maria Two-Straps.


Mistress Bettie Bondage

Khan Ramkeeson, LMFT

Sex Positive Safiya


Kemo Burns

Thursday January 26, 7-9:30pm

7-7:30: Social + snack time

7:30-8: Our Brains on Kink lecture by Maria Two-Straps

8-9: Psychology of Kink panel conversation

9-9:30: Open Q&A

***This panel is for you if you are:


-A seasoned kinkster

-A mental health professional looking to be more kink-affirming in your practice

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